SHANGHAI — The Asia Optometric Management Academy (AOMA) and Asia Optometric Congress (AOC) collaborated to create a region-wide consensus on myopia management. The organizations came together with the help of two dozen key opinion leaders to collect input from countries across Asia and put together a document that outlines how myopia should be managed throughout the region.
Consensus on Myopia Management (Chinese version)
Consensus on Myopia Management (Chinese version) launch event today at the China Optician’s Summit.
SOA and AOC Optometry Bursary
GMS-AOC Asian Track
IPAO-AOC e-Symposium 2021 (13 Sept 2021)
Dear Fellow Colleagues,
On behalf of the AOC Exco, we would like to announce two upcoming events for AOC members:
IPAO-AOC e-Symposium 2021 (13 Sept 2021)
Following the SOA-AOC e-Symposium in-collaboration with the Singapore Optometric Association in May, this is to announce the second e-symposium of AOC in 2021, IPAO-AOC e-Symposium, in-collaboration with the Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists (IPAO).
The theme of this e-Symposium is Sports and Vision Rehabilitation, with the support from Dr. Charles Shidlofsky, president of the International Sports Vision Association (ISVA) and Vice President, Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association.
Registration is free and can be processed through the link below:
Indian Entry Level Optometry Competency Standards 21 (IELOCS 21)
Association of Schools and Colleges of India (ASCO India) presented its next edition of Indian entry level optometry competency standards (IELOCS 21) on the 6th of August 2021. ASCO India’s vision and mission is to update and upgrade optometry education and practising standards of optometrists in India. This is achieved through various fellowships, continuous educational programs, and conferences conducted for optometry educational institutions and optometrists in India.
Lifetime Outstanding Award
Dr Polo Qi has been awarded the Lifetime Outstanding Award at the “Extraordinary Brand Award Ceremony” organised by 4Eyes Magazine.
AOC is truly proud of Dr Polo Qi’s achievements and contribution towards optometry in Asia.
The SOA-AOC e-Symposium 2021
With the pandemic still in force and healthcare in the spotlight, it is also timely to focus on eye health matters, especially when myopia is on the rise with lockdowns and home-based work or schooling.
This year, the Singapore Optometric Association is honoured to be hosting the digital Asia Optometric Congress, on the 4-5th May 2021. The theme is Myopia Management and Ortho K.
The program features topics that would help any eye care practitioner keen to go beyond vision correction to a holistic view of myopia management. Leading experts in myopia and epidemiology will share the latest in research and development as well as panel discussions on ideas that you will find useful in practice.
Management & Science University(MSU), Malaysia and Asia Optometric Congress (AOC) launched the Journal of Optometry, Eye and Health Research(JOEHR) as the official journal for AOC in a MOU ceremony in Kuala Lumpur
Today, marks a very significant day and historic for Optometry in Asia, as Management & Science University(MSU), Malaysia and Asia Optometric Congress (AOC) launched the Journal of Optometry, Eye and Health Research(JOEHR) as the official journal for AOC in a MOU ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. 阅读更多